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The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

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"The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)"

Good news. Your application for that dream job has been successful and you have landed an interview. However, the letter also states that you will be expected to take a Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) test as part of the screening process.

Your first response might be to panic at the thought of sitting a test, envisioning hours of revision and preparation, but the MMPI is far from an academic exam or standard personality test.

The MMPI test is commonly used to recruit for high-risk roles, such as commercial airline pilots and police officers, where mental health plays an important role in decision-making and carrying out the job safely and efficiently.

It examines aspects of the candidate’s personality to ascertain their mental stability, whether they are suitable for the job and how they can be expected to perform in that job over time and under stress.

The test is administered and the results are interpreted by a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist who has received training in the use of the MMPI. It cannot be used without this professional guidance.

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